As our community continuously grows, the needs and consumption of people also increases along with the worsening of waste problems. As citizens, it is our duty to do something about it. Doesn’t having a green and clean environment makes your dream city come true?
The term green city and clean city refers to a city of greenery- a place where trees and plants are safe to grow, free from pollution and environment degradation. It talks about building a city that is in balance with the nature and grows with the nature, where all kinds of life are valued and protected. It is a city where wastes are managed properly, people are responsible and well-oriented in handling their garbage, and having the government as their leaders and promoters.
"“Make city CLEAN, Make city GREEN, Make city HEALTHY, It will be automatically WEALTHY.” -Sushant Kumar Gupta
As the saying says, it is easier for a city to flourish when the environment is clean and green for it provides the people with a health place to live in. People are able to enjoy and live life far from illnesses caused by pollution and improper waste disposal. But in order to achieve it, not only the people with important influences must make an action but also everyone who lives and works in the city by simply starting it at home.
What are the benefits of having a Clean City and Green City that makes it a Dream City?
1. Reduced exposure to toxic and harmful chemicals from industrial wastes.
Chemicals released from big factories may cause harm to people living near the area and may even pollute the nearby land and bodies of water. In having a clean and green environment where irresponsible activities are not allowed and factories are required to manage wastes properly, such risks are reduced.
2. Prevents illnesses and sickness
Germs and diseases spread faster in an unclean environment. The health and well-being of the people is the top most priority. Cities who fail to keep their environment healthy may increase the risk of health issues with the citizens.
3. Increases the overall productivity of the place and causes it to grow
People are more relaxed and causes them to have more focus on the things that they do which is a good combination to increase their productivity and perform better in work.
4. It creates good impression for the possible foreign and local investors with in the city (economic boost)
As the saying goes “first impression lasts”, having a good place in the eyes of the investors may give the city more opportunities of growing its economy as more businesses arise.
5. It ensures safety for the everyone living in the city.
-having an unclean environment does not only cause risk to health but could also cause physical injuries to people. Spillage of acids, and other pointed or sharp garbage could harm people in different ways. It is essential to take health and safety seriously and ensure that your city is free from such risks.
What can we do to help make our city clean and green?
1. Segregate waste properly.
2. Learn how to reduce, reuse and recycle.
3. Grow plants in houses.
4. Conduct plant waste treatment within the city.
5. Stop burning of plastics.
6. Burry the biodegradable wastes.
7. Participate in clean up drives within your city.
8. Conduct symposiums and promote proper waste management.
9. Work with your local barangays in handling the waste properly within your city.
10. Participate in saving environmental areas from pollution in your city.
Let us make our city CLEAN and GREEN, and together, we make our DREAM city come true.